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    KOSEN (Colleges of Technology of Japan) Shared Experience on Internationalisation and Vocational Education Development

    Developing students with global perspectives in vocational education and training (VET) is essential in the increasingly globalised economies. Dr Tsutomu MATSUMOTO, Vice Director of the Center for International Exchange, National Institute of Technology, Japan, visited VTC and shared with VTC staff members the vocational education development in Japan and the KOSEN’s experience on internationalisation.

    There are over 50 KOSEN in Japan offering engineering and other areas of vocational education for graduates of junior secondary schools and above. KOSEN placed great emphasis on international collaboration, providing students with overseas exchange and internship opportunities. Sharing the same objective, VTC has been partnering with KOSEN since 2008 in organising seminars and various exchange activities for students and staff, facilitating the development of vocational education and training in both places.
