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    Associate / Assistant Professor (Building Services Engineering)
    Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
    部門 : Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering
    參考編號 : O/THEi-DCEE/PROFESSORIAL(BSE)/02/25
    The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) is a member institute of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), established in 2012.  It is an innovative, professional and entrepreneurial organisation committed to greening and sustainability.  THEi offers more than 20 professional "Applied Science-Oriented" degree programmes across six Academic Departments: Department of Food and Health Sciences, Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering, Department of Sport and Recreation, Department of Hospitality and Business Management, Department of Design and Architecture, and Department of Digital Innovation and Technology.  These programmes cover industries with growth potential in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.  The programmes integrate practical applications with theoretical knowledge to ensure that students can effectively apply what they have learned.  Our degree programmes are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, as well as by the relevant professional bodies where appropriate.  By adopting an applied Science-Oriented teaching approach and focusing on applied Bachelor's degree programmes, THEi equips students with professional skills and knowledge to meet various future challenges upon graduation.  THEi also collaborates closely with the industry and engage students in active learning pedagogies including a strong emphasis on project-based learning involving real-world problem-solving with and for local industries and professions.
    For more information about our Institute, please visit https://www.thei.edu.hk.
    Major Duties:
    The appointed candidate is expected to provide strong academic leadership by contributing to the planning, development, and implementation of strategies for continuous improvement in the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Building Services Engineering.
    To be considered for this exciting opportunity, applicants should possess experience in the following areas: programme design and development; electrical engineering; tertiary-level teaching, including the supervision of student projects; scholarly and applied research activities; fostering a collaborative and cooperative work culture; building and leading a disciplined team; leading the team in programme accreditation and validation processes; and providing evidence of proactive collaboration with industry professionals, professional organisations, and other educational institutions to achieve desired outcomes.
    The successful candidate should have a recognised Doctoral degree in Building Services Engineering (BSE) or related disciplines, with solid teaching experience at the tertiary level.  He/She should also possess high professional standing with strong industry networks, achievements in professional practice, and research and scholarly activities.
    Strong leadership, management, organisational and communication skills are essential. He/she should have good command of English and Chinese, preferably including Putonghua.  Professional qualifications and/or memberships in engineering related professional bodies are preferable.
    (1) Applicants with less experience may be considered for the post of Lecturer I/II (Building Services Engineering)”, at the rank of Teaching Fellow I/II.
    (2) The appointee may be required to perform duties at different sites and outside Hong Kong, and work irregular hours, shifts and on Saturdays and Sundays as necessary.
    (3) The remuneration package will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.
    (4) The appointee will work at Tsing Yi Campus.

    Application Procedures:
    A completed application form [VTC-1 (Rev. 11/2024)], together with a full curriculum vitae, should be sent to
    Candidates should take note of the following:
    (1) Completed application form and detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be combined into one file in PDF format with a file size below 10MB.
    (2) The file should be saved with the applicant’s name as “surname and given name”, e.g. “CHAN Tai-man.pdf”.
    (3) For the email subject, please cite “Application for Associate / Assistant Professor (Building Services Engineering) (Ref. No.: O/THEi-DCEE/PROFESSORIAL(BSE)/02/25)”.
    Closing date for application: 10 March 2025
    The Institute reserves the right not to fill the post.  Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only.  Information on unsuccessful candidates will normally be destroyed 12 months after the completion of the recruitment exercise.
