[News from Institutions] VTC and Alibaba Ling Yang sign MOU to jointly nurture a new generation of Talent on Enterprise Digital Intelligence

The VTC will be granted the right by Alibaba Ling Yang for translating and enriching a series of teaching materials on business intelligence analytics, which covers the latest market trends and Ling Yang’s best practices providing digital intelligence services to enterprise clients of Alibaba Group Ecommerce platform. It will help equip students with the knowledge and professional skillsets in the area of business intelligence analytics. Other areas of collaboration include trainer empowerment programme, students’ free access to online course and certification examination, and exploring to build an online English learning platform in the future to meet the rising need of remote learning.
The VTC will integrate the above teaching materials into the Business Analytics module of higher diploma programmes offered by the Business Discipline of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), a member institution of the VTC. IVE students will also be provided free access right to Ling Yang’s Business Digital Analyst online course and examination for obtaining the corresponding certification. Through the partnership, IVE will become the first higher education institution to cover the mentioned training which helps students acquire professional qualification in business intelligence analytics, thereby enhancing their employability and entrepreneurial competence in Hong Kong and the Mainland and empowering the data analytics talent pool in both places.
The MoU signing ceremony was held at IVE (Kwun Tong) in hybrid mode with honourable guests from Hong Kong and Hangzhou participating online. Mr Tony TAI, Chairman of VTC; Mr PENG Xin-yu, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Executive Officer of Ling Yang; Mr Esmond LEE, Deputy Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government; Ms CHEN Yanqin, Deputy Director-General of Department of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government addressed the ceremony. Witnessed by Mr Donald TONG, Executive Director of VTC and Ms Gloria QIN, Vice President of Alibaba Group, the MOU was signed by Ms Alaina SHUM, Deputy Executive Director of VTC, and Mr ZHEN Rixin, General Manager of Customer Success Department of Ling Yang with the presence of Mr LIU Maozhou, Inspector of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR.
Mr Tony TAI, Chairman of VTC, remarked that VTC looked forward to collaborating with Alibaba Ling Yang to jointly nurture a new generation of talent on enterprise digital intelligence with a view to meet the manpower needs of the evolving business intelligence analytics field in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area and nationwide. VTC thanked Alibaba Lingyang for their support in enhancing the quality of talent and the industry in the Mainland and Hong Kong.
Mr PENG Xin-yu, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Executive Officer of Ling Yang noted in his speech that as digital analytics and intelligence has become a key driving force for the future commercial world, it is crucial to equip digital talents with intelligence analytics capabilities for various industries.Ling Yang was honoured to collaborate with the VTC providing most sought-after courses on business intelligence analytics to the young generation in Hong Kong. Ling Yang and the VTC will explore the possibility of developing an English training platform to help nurture digital talents for Hong Kong, supporting Hong Kong to become an International Innovation and Technology Hub.
Ling Yang is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group that focuses on enterprise digital intelligence services. With advanced and agile digital intelligence analysis products and services, Ling Yang provides enterprises with digital growth capabilities to support their digital transformation.Lingyang is also working with ecosystem partners to establish digital talent training programs to nurture digital talents for enterprises, help the enterprises to increase efficiency and constantly develop and innovate.
The IVE Business Discipline has been actively collaborating with vocational and professional education and training institutes and industries in different places to provide students with diverse learning experience. Alibaba Ling Yang focuses on business intelligence services in the rapidly growing business intelligence analytics market. It is hoped that IVE and Alibaba Ling Yang can nurture a new generation of business data analytics talent together through this partnership.
With its professional recognition in the Mainland, the Data Analyst certification can help strengthen IVE students’ competitiveness in the Mainland, especially in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, for building a career in the e-commerce and business intelligence analytics field.
Mainland development is an important strategy of the VTC. VTC will further strengthen the collaboration with VPET institutes and enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland including Alibaba Ling Yang, to unlock potential of young people, and equip them to seize the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. VTC’s Mainland strategies include collaborating with vocational education institutes in the Mainland to expand and introduce two-way joint nurturing projects; supporting Hong Kong students’ career development in the Greater Bay Area; enriching students’ exchange activities and internship; deepening Hong Kong students’ understanding of the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, and etc.
About Vocational Training Council(VTC)
Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 13 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK), the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE), the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI), the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI), the International Culinary Institute (ICI), the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI), Youth College, Pro-Act by VTC, the Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.
Website: www.vtc.edu.hk
About Ling Yang
Ling Yang is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group that specializes in enterprise digital intelligence services. The company integrates multiple internal digital technology teams and has accumulated experience and best practices from Alibaba Group’s digitalization journey. With professional business intelligence products and capabilities, Ling Yang supports enterprises with a variety of consultation services and solutions, designed to address key digital transformation challenges and help them achieve further business growth through better informed and efficient decision-making.
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