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Centre for Learning and Teaching
The Centre promotes excellence and innovation in teaching and learning among VTC's member institutions, and also supports their curriculum and course materials development, and course planning and delivery.

Central Administration and Services Division
The Division provides secretariat services to the Council and its functional committees and boards, and corporate support services in relation to legal matters, logistics, general administration and staff recreation for the Council's operational units. In addition, the Division provides central administrative support on accommodation matters relating to VTC premises and campus development.

Estates, Health & Safety Division
The Division manages facilities and construction projects of VTC with an aim to provide a quality learning environment for students and a better working environment for staff.

Communications and Public Relations Office
The Office strives to build up strong relations and partnerships between the Council and its major stakeholders. Its prime objective is to promote the VTC corporate image and the status of vocational and professional education and training in society.

Finance & Supplies Division
The Division provides financial, accounting and supplies services to support the Council’s operations.

Human Resources Division
The Division is responsible for the development of human resources strategies, policies and guidelines to recruit,  motivate, develop and retain a dynamic and competent workforce.

Information Technology Services Division
The Division provides quality IT services to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning as well as other business processes at VTC.

Institutional Advancement Office
The Office strives to build enduring relationships with stakeholders among industry partners, philanthropists and alumni to foster collaborations and solicit monetary and non-monetary support for student development and institutional advancement.

Mainland and International Affairs Office
The Office actively promotes the internationalisation initiative by exploring international collaborations, organising exchanges and activities, and enrolling non-local students for member institutions of VTC.

Statistics Section
The Section conducts statistical surveys and analysis for external references as well as internal evaluation and planning processes.