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Security Services Training Board - Membership List
Mr. Stephen YIP Chun-nam, B.B.S., M.H., J.P.
Mr IP Kin-man
Sr Angel KAM Siu-lam

Mr KUNG Ngan-hung
Dr KWONG Tsz-man
Mr Johnny LAM Cheuk-wah
Mr Gregory LAU Tat-keung
Mr Bruce LEE Yu-yim

Mr Simon LEUNG Mok-kwan
Mr John LI Pui-lam
Mr Ben TING Hung-kay
Mr John WONG Tin-hau
Mr Allan WONG Wing-lok

Mr Terence YAP Wing-khai
Director of Housing (or his representative)

Commissioner of Police (or his representative)
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)
Executive Director of Vocational Training Council (or his representative)