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Accountancy Training Board - Membership List  
Mr Roy LO Wa-kei  
Mr Morison CHAN Chi-kong  
Mr CHAN Yiu-bong  
Mr Calvin CHAU  
Ms CHEUNG Lai-wah  
Ms Rosanna CHOI Yi-tak  
Mr John HO Hon-ming  
Mr George HO Kwok-wah, MH  
Dr Angus HO Shu-keung  
Dr Shirley KAN FU Mee-yuk  
Ms KWAN Yin-lam  
Dr Paul MAN Ho-yin  
Mr Jerry TONG Tsz-kwan  
Dr Danny WAN Tak-fai  
Ms Alice WONG Nga-lai  
The Hon Edmund WONG Chun-sek  
Mr Chris WONG Wai-lun  
Mr Derrick YIP Siu-ming  
Director of Accounting Services (or his representative)  
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)  
Executive Director of Vocational Training Council (or his representative)