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Vocational Training Board for People with Disabilities
Membership List

Dr James Joseph LAM, BBS, JP
Mr CHAN Siu-kan 
Mr Alan CHEUNG Yick-lun, MH
Mr CHEUNG Kin-fai, MH

Mr Thomas CHU Sai-ming
Mr FONG Cheung-fat, JP
Mr Eddie HAI Yip-kuen
Ms Hayly LEUNG
Ms Kris LUI Wing-yin
Mr MOK Chun-shing
Mr Kevin SHEA King-fung
Ms Agatha TANG Ka-yee

Mr YUEN Hok-sum
Secretary for Education (or his representative)
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)
Secretary for Labour and Welfare (or his representative)
Director of Social Welfare (or his representative)
Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council (or his representative)