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Electrical and Mechanical Services Training Board - Membership List



Mr Peter LAM Oi-ki



Ir AU Tat-kay
Ir Antonio CHAN Chi-ming
Ir Keith CHAN Kwok-wah
Mr CHAN Siu-keung
Ir Frankie CHAN Wai-ping
Mr Daniel CHAN Wing-fung
Mr CHANG Hon-sang
Ir CHENG Wai-lung
Ir CHUNG Chi-ming
Mr KO Tung-ping
Mr Samson LAM Yuk-ching
Ir David LAU Lee-nin
Mr LEE Kim-hung
Ir Eddie LEUNG Wing-pui
Mr MOW Tai-hing
Mr Brian NG Hang-wai
Ir Dr Roger NG Tsz-ho
Ir WONG Ming-kwong
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (or his representative)
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)
Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council (or his representative)