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Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment Training Board - Membership List


Mr TANG Chi-wang


Mr. Stanley CHEN Chi-keung
Mr. FUNG Chi-hing
Ms. Linda HO Wai-ping
Mr. William HO
Ir Danny HUNG Cheung-shew
Ir David HUNG
Mr. James LEE Hang-wing
Ir LEUNG Chi-suen
Mr. NG Choi-wah
Ir Prof. POON Chi-sun, J.P.
Cr. SHUM Hau-tak 
Mr. Martin TAM Tin-fong
Mr. TUNG Wang-kei
Ir Dr. Simon WONG Ho-fai
Sr. Paul WONG Kwok-leung
Ir YUNG Chun-tang
Cr. Tony ZA Wai-gin
Secretary for Development (or his representative)
Director of Buildings (or his representative)
Director of Housing (or his representative)
Commissioner for Labour (or his representative)
Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council (or his representative)