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Media and Communications Training Board - Membership List


Ms WONG Shuk-ming

Dr CAI Jin
Ms CHEUNG Sau-wan
Ms Lorraine CHEUNG Wai-yee
Ms Agnes HUI
Mr Peter KUO Yiu-kwan
Ms Michelle LAM Wai-kwan
Mr Ricky LAM
Dr LAM Wun-sum
Ir Wicky LAW Man-hoi
Mr Ivan LEE King-chung
Mr Anthony LEE Lam-fat
Mr Alan LO
Mr Joel POON Siu-kuen
Ms SHAM Yee-lan
Mr Ralph SZETO Kwong-chiu
Ms Tammy TAM Wai-yi
Prof Mike WONG Ka-fai
Mr Kenny YIU
Director of Broadcasting (or his representative) 
Director of Information Services (or his representative) 
Executive Director of Vocational Training Council (or his representative)