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Terms of Reference of Standing Committee


To discharge the functions of Council and to act on its behalf on all matters requiring policy and executive decisions when Council is not in session, except those items reserved for the full Council.



To report to Council at its next regular meeting on all the decisions taken by the Standing Committee.



To give initial consideration to any strategic planning and development of the Council, formulation of proposals, review of major policies and making recommendations to the Council.



To keep under review, on behalf of Council, the conduct of Council business.



To advise the Council on any matters referred to it by the Council or any committees or boards of the Council.



To approve new or revised fees and charges with an estimated annual income up to $50,000,000.



To approve tenders and to appoint consultants at value up to $70,000,000.



To accept donations.



To approve the creation of and appointments to directorate ranks/posts below A3 pay point, including extension of service beyond the normal retirement age.



To determine disciplinary penalties to be imposed on directorate staff below A3 pay point and to approve removal of such staff.



To decide on appeal against disciplinary actions from staff on or above pay point B34.