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The 142nd Meeting (Date of Meeting: 24 March 2022)


1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 141st Meeting Held on 16 December 2021

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 141st Meeting

3. Reports by the Chairmen of Council's Committees and the Executive Director:

(i) Report by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
(ii) Report by the Chairman of the Estates Committee
(iii) Report by the Chairman of the Finance Committee
(iv) Report by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Council’s Provident Fund Scheme (1999)
(v) Report by the Executive Director

Item for Discussion

4. VTC Strategic Planning Exercise 2022 (Paper VTC 4/2022) (Confidential)

5. Budget for the Project Management Consultancy Services for the Development of New Campus of Vocational Training Council at Kowloon East (Cha Kwo Ling) (Paper VTC 5/2022) (Restricted)

6. Renewal of the Service Agreement Made between the Government and VTC in Relation to the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong at Chai Wan Campus (Paper VTC 6/2022) (Confidential)

7. Proposed Loan by VTC School for Higher and Professional Education to Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Paper VTC 7/2022) (Restricted)

Item for Information

8. Updates on VTC’s Mainland Development Strategy and the Establishment of VTC Corporate Entity and Office in Greater Bay Area (Paper VTC (INF) 1/2022) (Restricted)

9. Media Coverage on VTC (December 2021 - March 2022) (Paper VTC (INF) 2/2022) (Restricted)
10. Report on Staff Complaints (Paper VTC (INF) 3/2022) (Confidential)

11. Any Other Business